Saturday, October 29, 2011

C4T #3 Summary

I have been assigned to blog with Doug Peterson at his blog site:

doug, off the record

He is an instructor of faculty of education at the University of Windsor.  He also has a long list of other accomplishments and achievements throughout the years.  He is very proficient in computer technology and computer science.  He contributes often to many different educational organizations in Ontario.

crazy computer

I first commented with him about his blog "Websites that should make you go Hhmmmm....".  He had listed several Internet sites that sounded very questionable. He made fun of such sites as:  Buy Dehydrated Water; The Uncyclopedia; California Velcro Crop; Free Online Pregnancy Test; etc.  He is very clever and funny but he still makes a good point that we need to really make sure that we are going to reputable sites.

Secondly, I went to his most current blog post in which he recommended an application called "Flipsnack".  You can download it for free and you can use it to make virtual books.  He had taken his blog post for the year 2011 and made it into a book.  You can literally see his whole year of post in "book form" and you can actually flip the pages.  It was so cool!  He sure does blog a lot because he had a really big book!

I told him that I am definitely downloading that application and that I would recommend it to my classmates on my blog.  I can see it being a great tool to use in the elementary classroom also!  You can access the application below:


Happy Journaling!

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